Campaigns of
Australian TFP
Australian TFP
Never a client state of communist China!

Aggresive Foriegn Policy
Silent Invasion of
Australian Assets owned by China
Today, many Australians believe it is time for a reality check. China is our number-one trading partner but also a potentially lethal threat.
It is no secret that China wishes to replace the United Sates as the dominant Indo-Pacific power. The Australian Government’s 2017 Foreign Policy White Paper says: “The United States has been the dominant power in our region throughout Australia’s post-Second World War history. Today, China is challenging America’s position.”
In the coming years, China will be less tolerant of ambivalence in Australia’s loyalties. Beijing’s masters have already made it clear that Australia must choose between China’s business or America’s protection. The neutral middle ground is shrinking.
Keeping you informed on Chinese influence in Australia,
view our “Australia-China watch” website
Freedom of Speech
Abysmal Human Rights
Export Tariffs
South Pacific / Indo China Sea expansion
Australian TFP campaigns

Return to Order
Finding our way in the new Dark Age,
a Christian response to Globalisation.

We are a group of Australians united to
defend the traditional natural family.

An on-going project to bring the
Message of Fatima to all Australians.

Sacred Heart
An apostolate to bring devotion
to the Sacred Heart to all Australians.