Campaigns of
Australian TFP
Australian TFP
Hope of our world
We desire a world where all nations live in peace, harmony and prosperity. This will happen if we respect God’s laws. In 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary came to Fatima with a prophetic message from God to mankind. This is the Message of Fatima – a message of hope for our time!
She showed us a way out of the present-day world crisis, a crisis caused by the sins of the world. She foretold the triumph of her Immaculate Heart the coming of peace when mankind converts. We ardently desire the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and her reign over all mankind.
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Australian TFP campaigns

Return to Order
Finding our way in the new Dark Age,
a Christian response to Globalisation.

We are a group of Australians united to
defend the traditional natural family.

Australia – China Watch
Today, many Australians believe it is time for a reality check.
China is our number-one trading partner
but also a potentially lethal threat.

Sacred Heart
An apostolate to bring devotion
to the Sacred Heart to all Australians.