Campaigns of
Australian TFP


A dynamic force to renew society


We defend the family because it is the basic social unit of society. A person has the best opportunity to develop themselves within the supportive framework of a natural family.

We are a group of Australians united to defend the traditional natural family and to foster conditions in society for the family to flourish. We believe that traditional natural marriage is essential for the family.

Australian TFP campaigns


Return to Order

Finding our way in the new Dark Age,
a Christian response to Globalisation.


Australia – China Watch

Today, many Australians believe it is time for a reality check.
China is our number-one trading partner
but also a potentially lethal threat.



An on-going project to bring the
Message of Fatima to all Australians.


Sacred Heart

An apostolate to bring devotion
to the Sacred Heart to all Australians.

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