Campaigns of
Australian TFP

“Behold the Heart that so loved mankind”

Sacred Heart Alliance


The Sacred Heart devotion makes us aware of and reminds us of Christ’s immense love for us. It also encourages us to love Him in return.

We know that God created us and Christ shed all his blood for us, resides in our Tabernacles, and even allows the faithful to consume Him in the Holy Eucharist. We also know that Christ loves each of us personally and wants us to love Him in return – in fact, He made this His first commandment: “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment” (Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mt. 22:37-38). Clearly, the Sacred Heart Devotion helps us fulfill our obligation. As Pope Pius XII has stated…

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Australian TFP campaigns


Return to Order

Finding our way in the new Dark Age,
a Christian response to Globalisation.

traditional marriage


We are a group of Australians united to
defend the traditional natural family.



An on-going project to bring the
Message of Fatima to all Australians.


Australia – China Watch

Today, many Australians believe it is time for a reality check.
China is our number-one trading partner
but also a potentially lethal threat.

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